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Lauren Crichton
Senior Product Marketing Manager

The right LMS for a company is a seamless partner in building knowledge. 建立这种知识可以从签订合同的那一刻开始,贯穿始终 onboarding, and through to enablement.

当你扩大规模时,你每周都欢迎有才华的人. 每个新手都想在需要的时候拥有他们需要的一切. 已经捉襟见肘的人力资源团队如何照顾每一个新人并保持他们的战略工作?

The answer lies in automation. And the key to automation is the right LMS integration.

Automate onboarding. Scale your employee experience.

帮助每一个新手的最好方法是提供及时的入职培训, personalized, and immersive. But when onboarding is a manual process, HR teams are limited to administrative tasks, allocating training programs, and managing diaries. In companies that are scaling, 这里的工作量会让一些人力资源代表觉得他们从来没有机会施展自己的人际交往能力. And that’s not why they were hired. 人力资源团队应该深入研究围绕员工敬业度和满意度的战略工作. 要做到这一点,他们必须把自己从管理中解放出来.

Why delegate when you can automate?

自动化员工入职听起来就好像没有了人情味. 如果你让Slack自动提醒你的新手参加在线培训, isn’t that missing an opportunity for getting to know people?

You can’t get to know people when you’re overwhelmed. When LMS and HRIC systems aren't integrated, 一份入职时间表可能是一份精心校准的电子表格,上面有数百行新员工, columns of dates, and courses. 人力资源团队必须缓慢而仔细地通过多个系统来根据工作角色分配每个事件, seniority level, 还有开始工作的日期(我们甚至不要去想那些入职没有出现在名单上的人). 电子表格越大,出错的风险就越大.

当你不停地回答问题时,你也不可能了解别人. When’s my first payday? How do I access my personal development budget? What choice do I have for my tech setup? Answering these questions takes up a lot of HR time. 当您自动化入职时,这些问题可以提前得到回答. For example, through a Payroll 101 course that your LMS automatically assigns to every new hire on Day 1. 或者在新加入者自动收到邀请的实时入职会话中. 无论您喜欢哪种格式,其共同点都是使基本内容的交付自动化. Done right, it frees HR from manually answering the same questions over and over.


Imagine you’re starting a new job in a couple of weeks. You log in to your new G-Suite account, 你的日程表上已经排满了激动人心的入职培训. 你很想了解新雇主的工作方式,于是接受了他们LMS的邀请. 登录时,你已经被分配到公司的手册. Before your first day, you feel taken care of.

自动化使这种登机前的体验成为可能. 为了自动化这些步骤,您需要将LMS与HRIC系统集成. Once done, 人力资源团队可以制定一个完整的入职计划,为第一天优化, day two, and day twenty-one. Whether it’s ‘Information Security’, ‘Finance 101’, or ‘Cultural values’, 您的自定义路径将自动分配正确的路径给每个最后的学习者.

How Sana integrates with HR systems

Integrating Sana with your HR tech is easy. 我们的LMS集成只需要一天就可以完成,并且可以与大多数人力资源技术堆栈一起工作.

Available integrations

Need help with a different platform? Check in and ask us: integrations@china-otclm.com

Automate sales enablement. Scale business performance.

Onboarding sales reps is a specialized task. 每个新手都需要了解产品的一切, the intricacies of how it works, 客户关系管理和语气的细微差别, and how to pitch in your company’s style. 在一家快速扩张的公司里,让大量新人加入可能会让人不知所措

But you’ve hired the best. You want them out there, and they want to be out there. 除了授权你的新代表,你还能如何授权他们呢?

How do you connect learning to sales performance?

销售人员通常是高度目标导向的人. 他们喜欢客户关系管理的明确性,也喜欢雄心勃勃的kpi带来的挑战. 但每一位新代表都会带来一套特殊的技能和资历. If you’re adding, say, four or five new reps a month, 了解如何授权每个代表来实现他们的能力是一项艰巨的任务. What training content does each person need? How do you accurately measure employee performance? 在不断扩展的电子表格中有更多的列,并且试图从左到右扫描. 它是检查你是否真的把正确的ppt和pdf发给了正确的人. In other words, it’s stressful.

This is where automations come in. 假设你有多种销售课程可供学习者学习. 您希望根据每个人的销售业绩(例如他们的客户数量)来分配这些资源, ARR, etc. 通过集成LMS和Sales CRM,您可以自动分配这些课程. 你甚至可以根据潜在客户的类型来分配课程. 例如,每当有人被分配一个企业帐户时,触发企业销售培训. 弄清楚规则需要一些预先计划,但它可以节省无数的时间.

Empower your reps throughout their sales careers

Sales enablement doesn’t stop after onboarding. All staff need ongoing support to keep delivering to your high standards. 正确的自动化设置可以帮助你的销售代表和经理在他们职业生涯的每个阶段. 无论是某人的第一次合同谈判还是他们的第50次演示, let automation assign a course when the time is right.

Say one of your SDMs is struggling. How can you know what they’re struggling with? Is it negotiation? Product demos? Pitching? 想象一下,能够针对个人需求进行特定的培训. No one likes missing targets. With the right LMS integration, 当某人的目标低于一定水平时,你可以自动分配销售培训. That might be all your rep needs to get back on track. From an L&D perspective, 你在这个过程中展示了“前后”效应, helping more people see the value of learning.

How Sana integrates with your CRM systems

To automate Sales Enablement training, 将LMS与用于衡量kpi和/或CRM的插件集成. 集成完成后,您可以设置自动登记. It really is that simple.

Sana’s two priority CRM integrations are Salesforce and Snowflake.

If you’re using another tool, get in touch. 我们一直对强大的整合持开放态度,帮助学习者充分发挥他们的潜力.

Can you spare 7 hours?

Two weeks and 7 hours. 这就是将您的CRM或HRIS与Sana集成所需要的全部.

Imagine the time and potential it could unlock. You’ll swap spreadsheets for smart, 可扩展的解决方案,让您专注于您最重要的资产:您的员工.

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